Daily protein intake for bodybuilding:
How much protein should I eat daily?
The amount of daily protein intake is a matter that generates a lot of interest among those who want to start bodybuilding or those who already practice more advanced training forms.
In this article, we will try to answer the question: how many grams of protein should I eat daily as a bodybuilder? Before answering this question, however, it is important to remember that protein is not the only nutrient involved in the growth and development of our muscles. We must also consider carbohydrates (which supply energy) and fat (which serve as an energy reserve).
Protein intake should be part of a diet that incorporates all nutrients required to achieve specific goals related to bodybuilding. In fact, nutrition is an important component of bodybuilding to the extent that it represents about 50% of success in this activity. The daily protein intake for a healthy individual is 0.8 grams per kilo of weight (or approximately one gram per pound).
Since we are not interested in health but pure muscle building, we can extend this amount to 1.5 grams per kilo (or even 2 grams) without exceeding the most generous recommendations based on studies of the most relevant health associations. This will allow our muscles to receive enough protein, but not too much for them to be used as energy by the body instead of being transformed into muscle tissue. The daily fat intake should be around 20% of the total daily calories and carbohydrates should not exceed 50%.
That is to say, you should eat five times more proteins than fats and almost ten times more protein than sugars. This proportion is ideal for muscle growth, but we can reduce or increase them depending on specific goals. If our goal is to gain muscle, we should favor protein over carbohydrates because it will provide us with the energy to carry out the physical activity necessary to stimulate muscle development.
If our goal is to lose weight, we should increase carbohydrate intake in order to give the muscles more glycogen (as well as reduce fat intake).
Optimal protein intake for bodybuilding:
Bodybuilders are often asked about the optimal protein intake for bodybuilding, how much protein they should eat per day. Bodybuilding magazines and books have published many articles on this topic over the years. The purpose of this article is to present an accurate estimation of daily protein requirements for bodybuilders who want to maximize muscle growth.
Maximum muscle growth requires the consumption of more dietary protein than that required for maintenance of muscle mass. This is because amino acids not only act as building blocks to replenish muscle proteins depleted after training, but also to start new muscle protein synthesis (Kerksick et al., 2006). The bodybuilders who follow high-intensity strength training.
protein intake for athletes bodybuilding:
Not only bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts but also a large number of athletes following a protein-rich diet. Sometimes this is done wrong and there are misunderstandings about the requirements of strength athletes for protein intake. Many endurance sportsmen believe that they can save carbohydrates by consuming more protein – in fact, the opposite is true because high protein diets depress glucose tolerance, which can lead to poor carbohydrate storage.
Preferably consume vegetable proteins (soy products), which are healthier than animal protein with their high cholesterol content. Are there differences in the requirements of strength athletes from bodybuilders and other athletes? Protein requirements for bodybuilders who want to gain muscular weight are usually higher than for strength athletes.
This is because it has been shown that after weight training, your muscles are still in the nitrogen balance (which means that their protein content is increased), while bodybuilders who want to stay lean need larger energy deficits – which are usually achieved by increasing carbohydrate consumption. Bodybuilders should focus on getting more dietary protein at breakfast, the first half of the day for the first 3-4 hours after training, and immediately before bedtime.
Nitrogen balance studies on women have shown that they can achieve a positive nitrogen balance on a daily protein intake for bodybuilding is about 50 grams at the expense of fat-free mass. Bodybuilders fared better with about 30-35% of energy intake from fat.
Protein intake for natural bodybuilders:
by Bill Roberts – SVR
In this installment of the natural bodybuilding diet plan series, we will be discussing how protein intake for bodybuilding in a natural way. The bodybuilder wants to gain as much lean muscle as possible. The amount of protein an individual needs is dependent on numerous factors such as weight, sex, and activity levels. It has been recommended that the average adult should take in .8 grams of protein per pound of body weight.
If you are a 200-pound male who wants to gain muscle mass, you will need an additional 160 grams of protein per day. If you are a 150-pound female looking to put on size, you should be taking in 105 extra grams of protein each day. Keep in mind these are just estimates based on a single person with average activity levels. While the above examples may suffice if you’re looking for an approximate amount, determining your own daily needs is highly advised so that you can adjust accordingly from there.
There are a variety of ways to determine how much protein you need on a daily basis. You can choose to use bodyweight, lean mass, or fat mass as your base for calculation. There are many online calculators which you can use (such as this one) to figure out how much protein you need on a daily basis. This number will likely be higher than the number cited above because it will take into account your lean mass.
For example, a 200-pound male with 15 percent body fat should have about 147 pounds of lean mass. If we use .8 grams per pound, this person should take in 120 grams of protein daily. The 150-pound female with 24 percent body fat should have about 116 pounds of lean mass and should be consuming around 97 grams of protein daily. As stated before, these are just estimations and you should find your own sweet spot as far as the intake is concerned.