What is the First Trimester of Pregnancy (0 to 13 Weeks):
The early months of pregnancy are so important to how your baby will eventually turn out. During this period, your body is giving all that it can to the development of your little one’s internal and external organs such as the heart and lungs. While some babies start developing abnormalities in these early stages, only around 1% do end up having birth defects or stillborn facts.
Your body is also going through some major changes including nausea, fatigue, breast pain, and frequent urination – or other pregnancy symptoms. Some of these may feel more negative than others so if you’re feeling particularly fatigued for example, it’s even more important that you pay greater attention to what your body needs from you at this time in order to make sure you give yourself every needed break!
What to eat in the first trimester of pregnancy?
The following are the food that eats during the first trimester of pregnancy:
- Beans and lentils
- Kale
- Ginger tea
- Bananas
- Lean meat
- Edamame
- Yogurt
What fruits to eat during the first trimester of pregnancy?
If you’re pregnant and craving something, try the following fruits. They’re a great source of sweetness as well as nutrition and provide the same taste you crave without being overly indulgent in unhealthy ways.
1. Oranges:
Oranges are a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as folate (also known as folic acid) and vitamin C. If you’re trying to conceive or already pregnant, it’s especially important to double-check your levels of these nutrients according to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Get a healthy dose by eating oranges every day. Folate is also an antioxidant that helps prevent wrinkles from happening too early by slowing down the aging process. Vitamin C is great for absorbing nutrients like iron and keeping your heart younger for longer, at least on a cellular level!
2. Mangoes:
Mangos are another powerhouse of vitamin C and a great way to get you 100% of your daily requirement. Mangoes are also high in vitamin A which is essential for helping to strengthen the immune system during times of increased stress, like when a pregnant mother needs to take care of herself and her new bundle of joy. Although rare, there is such a thing as getting too much vitamin A, which can be harmful even fatal if it’s taken in excess. Mangoes are best combined with a variety of other fruits on your first trimester of pregnancy diet and can make one feel refreshed.
3. Avocados:
Avocados are full of folate and nutrients. They’re also a great source of:
- Potassium
- Fibre
- Magnesium
- Choline
- vitamin K
- vitamin C
- vitamin B
Some women claim that eating avocado may help cure nausea, which is believed to be because of the potassium and magnesium found in such a delicious fruit. Potassium may even help one alleviate leg cramps, a common pregnancy symptom. Leg cramps are often caused by low potassium consumption and ultimately lead to discomforts like nerve collapse or memory impairment.
4. Lemons:
Lemons have a high level of vitamin C, which can help stimulate the digestive system to relieve queasiness and nausea. These simple remedies may help fight off nausea and vomiting associated with being pregnant. Lemons also aid in alleviating constipation, so they may be helpful in getting things moving while expecting. In fact, they are part of this delicious Mediterranean lemon chicken recipe that we just love!
5. Bananas:
Bananas contain potassium. bananas contain fibre and vitamin B6. Research suggested that bananas can help deal with nausea or morning sickness during the first trimester of pregnancy.
6. Berries:
Berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and goji berries are essentially different from other fruits and vegetables. They contain:
- Folate
- vitamin C
- carbohydrates
- fibre
Berries are great for expectant mothers because they contain phytonutrients like flavonoids and anthocyanins. Carbohydrates give you much-needed energy, and they also pass easily through your placenta to nourish your baby. As an expectant mother, you should therefore eat mostly nutrient-dense complex carbohydrates like berries instead of processed, simple carbohydrates like doughnuts, cakes and cookies.
7. Apples:
Apples offer key nutrients like pectin and potassium that, when eaten together, are fantastic for restoring balance in the gut. Pectin also feeds healthy bacteria in the gut, which is great for maintaining digestive health! Furthermore, fibre from apples can help aid digestion and support heart health – it’s always a good idea to keep your body fit while giving yourself a little extra edge with the incredible nutritional profile apples provide.
What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy?
The first day of a woman’s pregnancy is also the last day of her period. Typically, ten to fourteen days have passed by the time an egg is released, combines with sperm and subsequently fertilizes. A baby rapidly develops during the early weeks. The fetus begins to develop a brain and spinal cord, and vital organs begin to form. The heart will also begin beating quickly – and in a matter of weeks, the baby will be growing in its mother’s womb.
What to wear in the first trimester of pregnancy?
It’s best to keep things simple, nothing too tight and clingy or too short in this stage. You may not be showing yet though you may feel very bloated, so loose-fitting tops are a good option at this point and will help hide those bulging tummies from seeing the light of day. At this stage, it’s ideal to invest in a belly band that goes underneath your pants and skirts to hold you up without really restricting your movements.
This can be worn throughout the pregnancy. But this is most useful during the first trimester of pregnancy. just try to invest in something that is two inches larger than your waist measurement so it will fit around your bump without any worries! It’s great because you won’t need to invest in new clothes for a couple more months until your bump gets even bigger (and people will know for sure that you`re pregnant if you start trying on maternity wear). Stay with simple, comfortable clothes that don’t hug your body or leave little room for stretch.
What to avoid during the first trimester of pregnancy?
Following are the foods to avoid in the first trimester of pregnancy:
1. High mercury fish you want to avoid includes:
- king mackerel
- swordfish
- bigeye tuna
- orange roughy
- marlin
- tilefish from the Gulf of Mexico
2. Undercooked or raw fish:
Raw fish and shellfish contain parasites in them. If they are not prepared correctly prior to eating, it could easily make you and your baby very ill. you or your baby may experience any of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, dizziness, or seizures.
3. Raw and processed meat:
Raw meat can increase the probability of spreading harmful organisms to your offspring. The most likely pathogens are Toxoplasma, E. Coli, Listeria, and Salmonella. It is possible for a congenital infection to affect the health of your little one because it decreases the oxygen supply to their organs. This can lead to stillbirth or severe neurological problems like reduced mental development, blindness, and epilepsy in infants.
4. Raw eggs:
Raw eggs can contain bacteria like Salmonella, which could lead to an infection. Symptoms of salmonella infection include fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. However, if someone is infected with salmonella they might have cramps in their uterus that could result in premature birth or even a baby death (fetal demise).
5. Organ meat:
Organ meat is packed with a variety of nutrients. Iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A, zinc, selenium, and copper are all great for you and your baby! However, there is one nutrient in preformed vitamin A that we do not recommend overloading on during the first trimester of pregnancy it can lead to congenital malformations and miscarriage.
6. Caffeine:
Pregnant women are generally advised to keep their caffeine intake below 200mg per day, which is the equivalent of about two 8-oz cups of coffee according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Studies have shown that this amount is enough for pregnant women to enjoy the mild benefits that caffeine can offer without putting their unborn baby at risk for developmental problems including low birth weight or even miscarriages.
7. Raw sprouts:
Healthy salads just got a whole lot more complicated. Sprouts are used in salads as they provide a burst of flavour, but they may be contaminated with Salmonella, which can cause severe diarrhea. While these seeds begin growing in humid conditions, it’s nearly impossible to expel bacteria once the sprout is formed. If you make your own salad at home, you can feel safe adding only cooked sprouts to your dish – however, the FDA advises eating them raw is not safe by any means!
8. Unwashed produce:
Produce that is not washed or peeled has a high potential of foodborne illness and disease. For instance, E. Coli can cause infections and possibly death. These kinds of pathogens in produce can also be found on the skin, which means unwashed fruits and vegetables carry an even higher risk for food poisoning. You should always buy your fruit and veggies from a trusted grocery store or market where their producers frequently clean and disinfect the shelves and bins to prevent illness from pathogens in these perishable items.
Another dangerous parasite that you may ingest from unwashed fruits or vegetables is called Toxoplasma. The majority of people who get toxoplasmosis have no symptoms, while others may feel like they have the flu for a month or more.
9. Unpasteurized milk, cheese, and fruit juice:
Raw milk (including raw goat’s milk), unpasteurized cheese, and soft-ripened cheeses may also hold harmful bacteria that can lead to a variety of infections including listeria, salmonella, and E. coli among others. Unpasteurized juice has the same risk as it contains many of these pathogens too. These are the most common life-threatening infections for unborn babies if contracted so you need to be extra careful about your consumption habits throughout this time.
10. Alcohol:
It is extremely important to avoid alcohol of any kind while pregnant, as it can increase the risk of miscarriages and stillbirths, as well as cause irreversible brain damage to your developing baby.