What to wear cycling in the rain?
When you go to exercise in the rain, it is necessary not only a rain suit and shoes that can prevent water infiltration but also a cycling cap which is very effective for preventing soaked hair. It’s best if it has a back flap that keeps the neck warm. The apparel’s close-fitting silhouette prevents clothes from sticking to your body when wet. Also important are the dexterity and stretchiness of the material and seams so they don’t constrain movement.
Tips for cycling in the rain:
Rubber gloves and overshoes:
Make sure you have rubber gloves and overshoes. They’re not just for blokes, but when it’s pissing down with rain, they make cycling so much more pleasurable. Rubber gloves get rid of that horrid clammy feeling while rubber over boots spares your feet from having to be pummeled by the cold and wetness — which is especially important for people who wear sandals or closed shoes on their bike (eek!)
Lightweight rain jacket or cape:
Carry a lightweight rain jacket or cape in case of an unpredicted shower and use some kind of backpack or bag to carry extra clothes (I use my old college rucksack). You can also find cute plastic coat-hangers made specifically for bikes at bike stores, but really a backpack or bag works fine (and if you’re creative enough to re-purpose an old purse/backpack/bag into your pannier that’s even more awesome).
Rain-resistant workout gear:
If it’s raining and the forecast shows no signs of stopping anytime soon, try wearing rain-resistant workout gear – this type of clothing doesn’t look too horrible on regular bikes (unlike skinny jeans) and is usually made from some kind of water-repellant material that means you don’t have to get drenched in the process!
If you do wear regular clothes like me, however, make sure to protect as much as possible with layers or wear white. White reflects heat better than most colors so less water will be absorbed by your clothes (you’ll be warmer), and white is also a lot less visible at night when it’s raining, i.e. you won’t get hit by passing cars as much!
Shower cap or plastic bag:
Take an old shower cap or plastic bag with you to cover your locks when they’re wet and windy – this will save you from having one side of your hair frizz up while the other stays flat… A shower cap usually does the job, but if you’re feeling crafty — or just like being weird — try making a hat out of a plastic shopping bag (like I did!).
These kinds of hats not only keep your head dry but are extra useful for keeping sunglasses on in very windy conditions. If I’m not wearing sunglasses, I just stick them on top of my head so they don’t fall down – this also works for keeping a hair elastic in place.
Bigger gap between you and other road users:
No matter how much you dress up your bike, riding in the rain will be extra difficult when it comes to controlling it — especially when braking and changing gears, etc., so give yourself more space than usual between you and other road users. It’s better to have a bigger gap than to brake too hard and end up skidding into someone. Also, try not to change gears as much as possible because even small adjustments can cause slips and slides from your tires (and make sure you’re always conscious of the brakes). If possible, avoid making any left or right turns unless there is no traffic around.
What to wear cycling in hot weather?
Many people have a question what to wear cycling in hot weather? The best thing to wear cycling in hot weather is a mask, helmet, and gloves. You can also get special clothing for long rides which keep the rider cool.
What are some tips for cycling in hot weather?
Some tips for cycling in hot weather are:
- Avoid riding during the middle of the day
- prepare yourself properly beforehand (such as wearing sunscreen).
- make sure to ride with a group so you’re not alone on the road.
If you don’t have any water available while riding it’s important to hydrate before you start cycling along with drinking 2-3 cups of water every 15 minutes during your ride. Also, be sure to stop regularly to check if you’re overheating or dehydrated because when it’s too hot outside your body can only take so much before you start getting in trouble.
What to wear cycling in winter?
Don’t worry, that’s what this blog post is for. This article will give you some tips and tricks on what to wear cycling and when you cycle in the cold weather so that your ride can be as comfortable as possible – no matter what time of year it is! You want to make sure that what you wear is comfortable and practical so that it doesn’t restrict any movements.
The main thing to consider here is what the weather will be like in your area, as certain fabrics are better than others for different temperatures.
If you’re going cycling during wintertime then some extra layers on top of what you would normally wear may be necessary – I recommend wearing one or two base layers underneath a warm jumper (sweater).
You can go with long sleeve tops if it’s colder outside but this depends on what kind of shirt material they are made from too; cotton isn’t great at wicking away sweat which means that underarm areas can become a little damp after some exercise. This could lead to overheating later on if you don’t change into a lighter top during the day. A good pair of gloves is important too, as these will keep your hands warm and protect them from any damage that could occur (from rubbing or hitting things while cycling).
Make sure they are durable enough to withstand what you need them for since not all fabrics can hold up against what you’ll be doing in winter – this includes bike chains that should not come into contact with exposed skin. A scarf may also help prevent chafing when wearing helmets but make sure it isn’t too tight otherwise airflow around your neck won’t be possible anymore! Sunglasses are another thing I recommend bringing along; these will shield your eyes from flying debris such as bugs or even snow and ice.