Many pregnant women experience itching during pregnancy, especially on their tummies as their skin stretches to accommodate their growing babies. The good news is that itching is usually harmless and will go away after you give birth. However, if the itching is severe or is accompanied by a rash, you should see your doctor rule out any underlying health conditions. So, if you’re feeling itchy, there’s no need to worry. It’s probably just a side effect of pregnancy. But, if you’re concerned, be sure to talk to your doctor to put your mind at ease.
What causes itching during pregnancy?
When pregnant, there are various reasons why you may feel itchy. Following are the 7 causes of itching during pregnancy:
1. Hormones
The cause of itching during pregnancy is often hormonal. Hormones, the chemicals that control the way our body works, play a large part in pregnancy. Many women experience a strange sensitivity to their hormones during pregnancy. Hormones are often blamed for the aggravating itch that affects many people during pregnancy.
2. Perfumes or fabrics
During the first trimester. Sometimes, the reason for itching during pregnancy is different, and the cause can be perfumes or fabrics. We recommend that you avoid wearing perfumes, especially during pregnancy. If you are aware of the fact that you are allergic to perfumes, it is best to avoid using them. If you know that perfumes cause you itching, you can try an alternative – natural fragrances, for example. It is best to use fabrics labeled “super-soft” and to avoid wool. Always wash new clothes before you wear them. If you have some itching on your skin, try not to scratch it.
3. Stretching skin
Pregnant women often complain that their skin is very itchy. In fact, this happens to almost every pregnant woman. Sometimes these women even mistake their skin problems for some sort of allergic reaction to the pregnancy. This is far from the truth. As we enter the third trimester of our pregnancy, our skin starts to stretch.
This is the reason your skin becomes itchy is that your skin stretches. As the skin stretches, it begins to itch. But your skin is not the only thing that starts to itch. Your hair follicles also begin to itch because they become stretched.
4. Dryness
Itching can be caused by dryness of your skin due to temperature changes, dry skin, or dryness of your skin because of the increase of hormones in your body called progesterone. Dry skin can occur during pregnancy because of a change in the level of progesterone. Progesterone is a hormone that helps to keep your skin moisturized and soft. However, during pregnancy, your body produces more progesterone. Increased levels of progesterone make your skin drier. Many women experience itching during pregnancy due to dryness of the skin.
5. Prurigo
Prurigo of pregnancy is a skin condition that causes itching throughout the body, sometimes to a mild extent and sometimes with such intensity that patients find it difficult to sleep. Skin lesions are not present. Prurigo during pregnancy affects about 20% of pregnant women. The itching generally starts around the sixth month, but it can start anytime during the pregnancy. It is most severe during the third trimester.
6. Cholestasis
During pregnancy, women are in a very sensitive state. They are scared of many things and one of them is itching. In many cases, itching is one of the first symptoms of cholestasis. Cholestasis is a condition that affects the bile. It is often accompanied by itching. The skin becomes itchy, and if there is cholestasis, pregnant women usually report itching.
7. PUPPP (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy)
PUPPP is the cause of itching during pregnancy. PUPPP is a condition that causes severe itching and small, red bumps on the skin. This rash of tiny spots occurs in approximately 1% of pregnancies. PUPPP is only seen during pregnancy.
How to get relief from itching during pregnancy?
Pregnancy can be especially uncomfortable because it causes some women to experience unpleasant symptoms like extra itching of the skin. If you’re experiencing these types of problems, there are a number of natural ways that you can effectively alleviate any discomfort and help your itch go away. Try these 8 natural home remedies right now to help you get a good night sleep tonight:
1. Change your perfumes or detergents
Scented products like perfumes, soaps, detergents, and even lotions can also cause itching. Therefore, it is always recommended to change the perfume or detergent and try scented-free products to get relief from itching.
2. Wear loose clothes
Pregnant women are usually advised to wear loose clothes to give them ease of movement. But it turns out that loose clothes also help women to get relief from the itching sensation experienced during pregnancy.
3. Use a yogurt skin treatment
The itching that comes with pregnancy can be annoying and uncomfortable, especially at night when you’re trying to get some sleep. Luckily, there are a few natural ways to soothe the itch, including a yogurt skin treatment to help you get some relief. Yogurt is a natural way to treat skin inflammation and itching, making it an ideal treatment for pregnancy.
4. Take an oatmeal bath
There are many ways to get relief from itching during pregnancy. One of the ways is to take an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal contains avenanthramide, which helps reduce itching. Rubbing oatmeal into your skin is great because it helps relieve itching, soothes skin, and is also good for your skin.
5. Use a moisturizer
To get relief from itching during pregnancy, you can use a moisturizer. During pregnancy, some women develop an itching that is so annoying that it can interfere with normal daily activities.
6. Use a calamine lotion
To get relief from itching during pregnancy, you can a calamine lotion. Apply a calamine lotion to the affected area. Calamine lotion will help relieve the itching and soothe your skin. Keep in mind that calamine should be avoided if you are allergic to it. After applying the calamine lotion, wash your hands thoroughly. You should also avoid using calamine on your face.
7. Increase your water intake
Increase your water intake to reduce the itching. During pregnancy, you will sweat more, so you will need to drink more water to keep your body hydrated. If you don’t drink enough water, your skin will dry out, which makes you more susceptible to itching. In addition, drinking more water will increase your energy level, which will make you feel happy and less irritated.
8. Keep the air moist and cool
To get relief from itching during pregnancy, it’s important to keep the air moist and cool.
How to stop breast itching during pregnancy?
The skin of the breast is made up of different layers. These layers contain the ducts which carry milk to the nipple. During pregnancy, some of these ducts become blocked with a plug of thick, yellowish fluid called colostrum. When this happens, the skin of your breast may become itchy. When you have breast itching, try these 5 home remedies:
- Breastfeeding – This is the best remedy for breast itching. If you are breastfeeding, the sucking action of your baby will release the colostrum plug from your breast.
- Massage – When you massage your breast, the action can help to release the plug. Massage your breast gently and regularly.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing – If the clothing you wear is tight, it will rub against your breast and make them feel itchy.
- Breastfeeding ointment – Apply this ointment to your breast before you sleep at night.
- Vitamin E oil – Apply a small amount of this oil on the skin of your breast.
Body itching during pregnancy at night
Body itching during pregnancy at night is common among pregnant women. It is normal for a pregnant woman to experience body itching during pregnancy. The most common cause of body itching during pregnancy at night is pregnancy hormone changes. Pregnancy hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, play an important role in regulating the blood flow to the skin. During pregnancy, the blood flow to the skin increases, which may result in skin itching. The most common body itching during pregnancy at night problem seen in pregnant women is a result of dry skin. This can be avoided by applying good body lotion.
When should I be worried about itching during pregnancy?
If your itchy skin is accompanied by other pregnancy symptoms, like fatigue or nausea, a rash or fever, or swelling, you should call your doctor or midwife immediately. You don’t want to delay if you have symptoms of toxemia. However, if you have itchy skin without other symptoms, you can probably wait to call your doctor until your next prenatal visit. Itching is a common pregnancy symptom, especially toward the end of the third trimester when your skin is more sensitive. It’s also fairly common during the first trimester, which is when many women find out they’re pregnant.