Yoga For Eye, Yoga is a form of exercise that has been practiced for thousands of years. One yoga pose, in particular, yoga for eye, can improve your vision and help you to see more clearly! Eye yoga can help those who suffer from dry eyes or stress-related vision problems like blurred vision due to eyestrain. Yoga poses are designed specifically for the eyes and often involve a lot of blinking as well as focusing on something close up and far away which helps exercise the muscles around your eye sockets.
What is an eye pillow for yoga?
An eye pillow is used to rest your eyes. It can be made of all sorts of materials, and you can fill it with a variety of things that will help relax the muscles around the area. You want to pick something that will make your eyes feel like they are being massaged during yoga class when you press them against the pillow.
Three types:
- Dry Eye Pillows
- Wet Eye Pillows
- Warm Eye Pillows
Dry Eye Pillows:
You can improvise using some cotton batting or maybe even a clean sock filled with rice or beans. Dried lavender flowers would also work nicely in this case, although they may not hold up well over time. Another method is to add two spoonfuls of uncooked rice into a small scrap piece of cotton fabric and then tie it off with some more of the same fabric.
Wet Eye Pillows:
These are filled with water that you can warm in the microwave or a pan on the stove. You could also use unscented, oil-free bath salts if you want to eliminate any worry about allergies from artificial scents in your eye pillow. Fill as much as possible within reason because the lighter it is, the less pressure it will apply when resting over your eyes.
Some people prefer wet because they don’t like having something drying out near their eyes but keep in mind that this kind of thinking means you have to change them more often too. A damp towel would also work for this, but keep in mind that it will not retain heat as well as a hot water bath so you’ll have to wet it often.
Warm Eye Pillows:
This type is the trickiest, but they are still very effective when used properly. You can create your own by placing an essential oil of your choice into some unscented lotion and mixing them together until you get a consistency that feels right for you. You can also buy readymade eye pillows that are filled with specific herbs meant to relax muscles around the eyes and soothe tension and stress in this area of the body. Some include chamomile flowers, lavender flowers, or even rose petals. The most important thing here is making sure any natural oils on these things do not make direct contact with your eyes.
Does a yoga eye pillow work?
The answer is that it depends on what you are looking for. If you want something to help relax the muscle tissue around your eyes, then an eye pillow will do just that.
It’s not going to correct any vision issues, but it can eliminate stress and strain on these muscles as well as nearby organs like the sinuses. It utilizes pressure points on sensitive areas of the body to stimulate relaxation in other areas.
Yoga for eye health:
The practice of yoga for eye has many benefits especially when it comes to our eyes. In fact, yoga for eye can help in preventing and treating a range of eye ailments.
There are 5 facts on Yoga for Eye Health:
1) Help you reduce short-sightedness:
Our vision is dependent on the health of our eyes. yoga for eye helps to maintain a healthy body, including the organs by providing us with flexibility (muscle stretching) and strengthening exercises. When we perform physical postures, it improves blood circulation in the body – that also helps to reach peripheral parts of the body such as the eyes. So, practicing yoga for eye regularly can help in reducing near-sightedness or myopia as well as other problems related to vision like dry eye syndrome, hypermetropia, etc. This will improve your focus power and increase the size of the eyeball.
2) Help in improving the vision of children:
The practice will help children to improve their eye-sight, body balance and coordination. Yoga for eye helps to increase flexibility which is an essential element for a healthy vision.
The deep breathing exercises along with asanas make the mind calm and peaceful thus making your mental state relaxed thus helping you to focus on things you want to see clearly.
3) Help reduce imbalance and pain around the eyes:
Our eyes are sensitive organs that need protection from outside elements like dust, smoke, etc. Practicing yoga for eye can help reduce exposure of our eyes to environmental pollutants; it also decreases the risk of infections affecting the eyes like conjunctivitis/pink eye or any allergies affecting their eyes. Yoga for eye also helps your body in achieving balance; therefore, it is particularly good for those who are suffering from pain around the eye due to unbalanced posture.
The correct alignment of your body during yoga for eye practice will help you achieve a balanced posture that will reduce eye stress and pain around your eyes as well as other areas of the body. Yoga can be practiced any time, even when on the go, at work, or during a long journey where you get time for yourself.
4) Improve eyesight:
According to some recent research studies conducted by BKS Iyengar, practicing yoga for eye regularly can more than double your vision power! This effect comes with regular practice over many years. You do not have to worry if you cannot practice for long durations as the short routine of about 6-8 pranayama breathing exercises with simple postures such as Trikonasana, Uthitihi and Shashankasana can also be beneficial.
5) Relieve symptoms related to eye disorders:
Many yoga for eye exercises is said to help relieve symptoms associated with a range of common eye diseases like dry eyes, astigmatism, etc. Yogic Postures like Padahastasana strengthen the muscles around your eyes and thus reducing pressure on them while improving the flow of blood around them. Similarly, a wide-legged forward bend (Prasarita padottanasana) gives added support to your eye structure. The backward bending Paschimottanasana is also helpful in counteracting myopia.
Yoga for eye bags:
Eye bags, also known as dark circles or eye shadowing, can be really annoying.
Eye bags cause:
Eye bags are caused by many factors including aging, lack of sleep (both not getting enough sleep and waking up too early), allergies, tiredness, illness, and even irritable bowel syndrome. Using a cool compress on them also helps reduce them temporarily. The eagle pose is an excellent way to try and reduce them permanently. One of the yoga for eye poses that is great for reducing them and improving facial skin, in general, is the Eagle pose or garudasana.
When we sleep, our muscles relax, and as a result eye bags form under our eyes. This pose will help fight this while also opening up the chest area, which is good for overall posture—which can improve your eye bags too! Keep reading for instructions and video instructions on how to do it.
The eagle pose:
The Eagle pose is a great one for opening up the chest area—which can help eye bags form under your eyes to be reduced and also helps you breathe deeply, which in turn makes you feel more awake and reduces eye bags. It also stretches out your shoulders, which are often my first muscle group that gets tired and needs attention when I’m feeling burnt out!
To do this pose:
Start by standing with your feet together and then spread them apart until they’re roughly shoulder-width apart.
Then bend down from the knees so that you’re resting on the tops of your feet instead of on the bottoms (your heels should still touch the ground). This will give your calves a great stretch and open up the chest area.
Yoga for eye pressure:
Yoga for eye and breathing exercises are beneficial for all types of eye disorders. However, if you suffer from eye pressure or glaucoma, it is recommended that you include these particular yoga poses in your practice/ routine.
- Fish Pose (Matsyasana)
- Half Lotus or Sukhasana (Sitting on heels)
- Extended hands (Pranamasana)
- Garland Pose (Malasana)
- Cat Pose (Marjariasana)
- Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)
- Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)
Fish Pose/ Matsyasana:
One cannot practice this pose without having an experience of internal blockage and feeling a release after the pose has been executed.
This asana (pose) stretches out the spine, opens up the chest, and relieves shoulder tension. It allows the free flow of prana to the eyes and therefore should be practiced by those who have issues with glaucoma or high intraocular pressure since it releases any built-up negativity within the body and helps relieve stress. Fish Pose opens up the area around the face and eyes, so people who have a tendency to develop eye pain should practice this pose more often.
Half Lotus or Sukhasana:
Sitting on heels – Padmasana helps relieve glaucoma by increasing intraocular pressure and thus dilating your pupil (the black part of your eye). This pose also effectively promotes healthy digestion and improves kidney function. It keeps the energy moving through these organs.
Extended hands – Pranamasana:
Extended hands – Pranamasana is good for relieving stress in general, but it also helps calm the nervous system and therefore can be useful to those suffering from eye disorders such as glaucoma. The chest is opened up well after performing this asana which allows more air to flow in and around the face. Pranamasana also improves your digestive system, by improving the circulation of blood within this area.
Garland Pose (Malasana):
Garland Pose or Malasana The name is a translation for Garland Pose, however, it is sometimes called paradoxical pose due to the shape that your body takes on during this asana. It can help prevent retinal detachment, glaucoma, and other eye conditions since you are opening up pressure points around your eyes and therefore allowing more space for the circulation of prana into these areas.
This pose again relieves stress from the organs so necessary to maintain healthy eyes. Malasana is one of those asanas that if practiced regularly will make you feel much better in general with less stiffness and tension in your body and mind.
Cat Pose (Marjariasana):
Cat Pose is great for those who suffer from glaucoma, however, if you have high intraocular pressure, it is not recommended to practice this pose since the head is positioned directly above your heart when you are in a sitting position. The ideal distance between the heart and the head should be at least one forearm’s length apart. Therefore, the cat pose would push one closer to the heart, therefore increasing pressure in the eyes, instead of relieving it.
Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana):
Butterfly Pose This asana helps improve circulation within the body generally, from blood flow to lung capacity, as well as opening up the chest area and allowing air circulation to breathe easier and reduce stress. Glaucoma sufferers should include Buddha Konasana in their yoga for eye routine since the increased airflow will help increase circulation within this area and relieve pressure on the eyes.
Standing forward bend (Uttanasana):
is beneficial for all those with eye conditions including glaucoma, but it also helps to relax the nervous system generally and therefore can be very useful to relieve stress in general.
It allows energy to move from the head towards the lower areas of the body bringing more blood flow through the mind, organs, and trunk of the body.
Yoga for eye wrinkles:
Yoga for eye is one of the most effective ways to get rid of eye wrinkles. The yoga techniques will help you relax and unwind your body. Once your nerves are relaxed, it will also relieve you from stress which is another cause of dark circles around eyes & crow’s feet.
All that you have to do is practice simple yoga for eye for a few minutes daily and see a remarkable change in just a few days!
Here is some easy yoga for eye postures that can bring back charm and beauty into your eyes:
- Mountain pose (Tadasana)
- Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)
- Corpse pose ( Shavasana)
- Bow pose (Dhanurasana)
- Uttanasana & Shavasana together
Mountain pose (Tadasana):
Stand straight with both feet together. Relax shoulders down, raise the chest up and breathe deeply. Do this 3 times on both sides every day if possible, at least once in 2-3 days.
Standing forward bend (Uttanasana):
Stand straight, inhale deeply and then exhale while slowly bending your knees slightly & placing palms on the thighs at shoulder height in front of you with fingers pointing inside towards knees. Now gently push your abdomen outwards and keep breathing steadily for 5-6 breaths. Stand straight again to relax shoulders down. Repeat this pose two times in a day for the best results!
Corpse pose ( Shavasana):
Lie down comfortably on your back, rest both hands next to your body at the sides or by the side of the head wherever it feels comfortable. Close both eyes & relax every part of your body including face muscles as much as possible for 10-15 minutes.
Bow pose (Dhanurasana):
Lying down on the floor, bend your knees so that your feet are placed flat on the floor. Stretch your arms and grab your ankles with both hands. Bend your head down towards your thighs while breathing deeply. Stay in this position for 5-6 breaths & then relax. Repeat this 2 times a day for visible results!
Uttanasana & Shavasana together:
Lie down comfortably on your back as you do in Shavasana and inhale deeply when you feel comfortable. After 6-7 breaths, make a fist with both hands and place them next to the body at the sides or by the side of the head wherever it feels comfortable just like in Shavasana. Now close both eyes and relax every part of your body including face muscles for 10-15 minutes. This is the best pose to relieve yourself from stress!
Yoga for eye asanas like Trikonasana, Marjaryasana & Anantasana is also beneficial in getting rid of eye circles as they open up the nasal passage and promote blood circulation around the eyes. Try to do at least one yoga for eye routine daily so that you can get beautiful eyes faster & naturally! If we talk about other natural home remedies for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes then these tips will surely help:
1) Try Apple Cider Vinegar – A teaspoonful mixed with a glass of water. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and you will see a change within days.
2) Use strawberries – Rubbing them gently under your eyes is said to be extremely effective for dark circles, puffiness as well as fine lines that have formed because of aging & fatigue.
3) Grape Seed Oil – A few drops applied daily can help lighten dark areas around the eye. Make sure you use this natural remedy in moderation though since excessive amounts can make the condition worse.
4) Rose Water – Another substance that works great with those suffering from dark circles are rose petals or rose water which helps reduce swelling & inflammation of the area around your eyes without causing any side effects. Try adding it to a salve or lotion if you want though.
5) Raw Potato – If you can’t stand the smell of cooked potato, then try this instead. Grate a raw potato and squeeze out the juice. Dab it under your eyes to get rid of puffiness & bags underneath them and see dark circles become lighter too in a couple of weeks’ time.
6) Lemon Juice & Cucumber – Mix equal amounts of lemon juice & cucumber along with aloe vera gel or plain yogurt into an ice cube tray and put it in the freezer overnight. Place these cubes on your face for 10 minutes every day to help reduce fine lines as well as dark circles around your eye area until they vanish completely!
7) Rosemary Essential Oil – Mix a few drops of rosemary oil into your everyday night cream or body lotion before you go to bed. You will notice a reduction in fine lines & dark circles around the eyes each time you wake up in the morning!
8) Tea Tree Essential Oil – Another oil that is said to be beneficial against under-eye darkening is tea tree oil which helps fight bacteria that causes puffiness, inflammation as well as swelling in that area. To use it, simply place 5-6 drops into 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt and apply with an application swab for best results.
9) Almond Oil – Rubbing almond oil on the delicate skin around your eyes daily will help relieve stress & promote quick healing without causing any negative side effects. Allow the oil to absorb into your skin for no less than 5 minutes before washing it off.
10) Lavender Essential Oil – You can combine a few drops of lavender essential oil with almond or olive oil and gently rub them under your eyes in order to get rid of dark circles around them naturally without any hassle!
Yoga for eye floaters:
Floaters have been there forever. Millions of people are suffering from eye floaters. Most of the time it does not affect our vision, but if you suffer from these floating objects every day, do not panic! There is a way to treat them. The best treatment for floaters is yoga for eye and regular exercises. There are some poses that can help in treating the white objects in your eyes. It will also help in improving your overall health condition.
Regular practice of this yoga for eye asanas will give relief from all the symptoms like: –
- Lesser stress level
- Improved sleep cycle
Let us see which ones exactly are those poses:
Paschimottanasa (Seated forward bend):
Paschimottanasana is a seated forward bend done in yoga. This Asana stretches your spine, heals the stretched muscles, and also improves blood circulation all over your body. You can avoid or reduce eye floaters by practicing this asana regularly
How to do:
Sit straight on a mat making sure that the back of your knees is supported by it. Now move both of your palms next to each other with fingers pointing towards you and keep them parallel to each other just like in Gyan Mudra (Making a thumbs-up sign). Keep the gaze fixed at your nose tip and breathe normally for 4 minutes in this position without holding any breath for an extended period of time.
Sanmukhi Mudra (meditation):
This yoga for eye pose can be done by sitting comfortably on a mat with both knees pulled up towards the chest. Now clasp your palms together and keep the hands close to your heart while breathing in and out of your nose at a normal pace for 5 minutes or until you relax completely.
Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath):
Sit straight with one leg crossed over another while bending forward from the hip joints and placing both of your palms flat on the floor under the crotch area of either leg, with fingertips pointing towards your feet. Now close your eyes and breathe in and out deeply towards your abdomen using only your nose for 4 minutes or as long as you feel comfortable. This will help with concentration on the name of Shri Krishna while breathing in and out.
Nadi Sodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing):
This is a simple yoga for eye practice that can be done by anyone who suffers from floaters or any other eye disease. It helps in concentrating on healthy breaths and also increases the ability to focus the eyes when doing everyday tasks like reading, driving, etc. The best part about this is that it gives immediate relief
How to do:
Sit straight keeping both of your palms stretched upwards towards the sky just like you are worshipping someone. Now close your eyes and keep the gaze fixed on a point in front of you.
Slowly, roll down your index finger from left to right and observe if you see any light between the index finger and thumb or not while breathing in and out through both nostrils at a slow pace for 2 minutes or as long as you feel comfortable with it.
Yoga for eye strain:
Are you looking for a way to prevent eye strain? A lot of computer users could feel they have developed some form of eye strain due to too much time spent in front of their computers. When we are on the computer or in front of our smartphone screens, most people tend to get a feeling inside our eyes that there is something wrong with what we’re seeing.
There are various reasons that could lead to it, but the main cause of this issue is prior to spending a lot of time in front of your computer or smartphone. If you wish to prevent this eye strain from happening and you want to find out how yoga for eye can help with that, make sure you continue reading on because below we have listed some poses which will help you solve these problems when they appear.
One thing you must keep in mind is that this type of eye strain comes as a result of too much screen time. Before doing any form of exercise for eyesight improvement be sure to take at least one hour away from your device so that your eyes have enough rest before starting the exercises.
Without further ado, here are some poses you should try out:
- The cat poses
- The bridge poses
- The triangle poses
1) The cat pose:
Here you will have to get on all fours, which means that your arms and knees should be touching the floor. This position has a number of incredible benefits for those who do it and this is mainly due to the fact that it stimulates various muscles throughout the body so you get a well-rounded workout in a short amount of time. While doing this pose make sure that your head remains between your shoulders while looking down at each hand separately. As you focus on one hand only, feel free to massage it while breathing deeply.
In addition to helping with eye strain, this pose also helps our spine stay stretched out and tones up our back muscles as well as our facing muscles!
2) The bridge pose:
This is another great pose for those who want to prevent eye strain. If you are a beginner, make sure that you do this without putting too much weight on your head as it might be too difficult.
While doing the pose, try not to separate your knees from each other and avoid pointing them towards the ceiling. Instead, think about bringing your toes together and trying to push the ground away with both of your hands unless they are placed under your shoulders while trying to keep them close together at all times.
This brings our attention down towards the mat below us while also stretching out our back muscles as well as releasing any tension in less obvious parts of our body such as our neck or lower back!
3) The triangle pose:
Our next and final pose for eye strain is The Triangle Pose. Before starting the exercise, it is important to get into a tabletop position, so make sure you can use your hands and knees on the ground as stepping stones in order to help build up your flexibility and muscles’ strength.
This pose will mainly stretch out our shoulders as well as our hamstrings which are often neglected when we try muscle activation poses for hip flexors. In addition, this pose also helps with improving blood circulation throughout our body!
Yoga for eye twitching:
tension and stress play a major role in the occurrence of eye twitching. yoga is one such physical activity practiced all over the world for thousands of years, which can help to decrease tension and stress.
It helps to improve heart rate variability:
a study was conducted at Harvard medical school’s mind/body clinic by dr. Robert Schweitzer. it helped prove that yoga helps relieve stress and anxiety and also improves cardiac autonomic function. increases core strength yoga involves standing postures, balancing postures, inverted poses like headstands, etc. these increase core fitness as well as muscle tone. strengthening the immune system. A healthy immune system prevents us from falling sick so often. yoga has been proven to increase the production of antibodies in the blood. helps reduce anxiety
stress may cause eyes to twitch. yoga reduces stress levels and helps you relax quicker, which not only improves sleep but also reduces anxiety. therefore, it is said that twitching can be caused by stress. improves mood when we are more forgiving and accepting towards situations or people around us, our mental health improves as well as our mood and so do our relationships with people close to us. yoga increases acceptance of ourselves along with others around us.