Yoga Therapy, Yoga is a form of therapy that people have been using for centuries. It has been used to reduce stress and anxiety, improve flexibility, and increase strength. Yoga is also an excellent way to relieve pain caused by injuries or chronic conditions such as arthritis or back problems. In this article I want to talk about yoga is therapy in-depth and how you can use yoga yourself!
How does yoga therapy work?
yoga therapy is a great way to get in shape by building strength as well as flexibility while increasing yoga practitioners’ stamina. Yoga provides an opportunity for self-reflection which can result in increased emotional stability and clarity of mind among other benefits. One study found that participating in this form of yoga improved symptoms of depression more than usual treatment did alone! This same study also revealed improvements in anxiety levels at six months after patients began practicing yoga versus those who only received standard medical care.
Yoga therapy can help with:
- stress relief, and managing depression
- yoga improves mood swings in bipolar disorder patients
- yoga helps control obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) by improving symptoms of anxiety and increasing levels of serotonin which regulate OCD episodes. Yoga has also been shown to reduce tics among Tourette syndrome sufferers. And it may be effective in treating PTSD, as yoga may help individuals manage their stress levels and sleep better.
- yoga can also be a great way to get in shape by building strength as well as flexibility while increasing yoga practitioners’ stamina. Yoga provides an opportunity for self-reflection which can result in increased emotional stability and clarity of mind among other benefits.
Importance of yoga therapy:
yoga therapy is the process of healing through yoga. it can help with depression, anxiety, and stress as well as a range of other mental wellness issues
Yoga is therapeutic for everyone: yoga has been shown to be very effective in treating those who suffer from chronic pain or illness such as cancer, fibromyalgia (chronic widespread muscle aches), post-traumatic stress disorder, and arthritis
Yoga helps us stay calm throughout life’s challenges: practicing yoga regularly provides an opportunity to learn self-care skills that will serve you for your whole lifetime – even when things are going really well! what does this have to do with me? if you’re struggling with any kind of mental health issue like mentioned above, I would recommend giving yoga at least a try. yoga therapists are fully credentialed and yoga can be combined with other therapies that you may already have access to in your community, such as talk therapy or medication
Yoga is for everyone: no previous yoga experience is necessary! yoga was created by Hindu monks over 5000 years ago. it has been adopted all around the world from India to China to Europe.
Scope of yoga therapy:
- yoga therapy is for any person or group that wants to use yoga as a means of exploring their therapeutic needs
- yoga therapy includes guided yoga, individualized yoga practice, and yoga sequences. yoga therapy is a yoga school founded to provide yoga instruction, yoga therapy, and yoga teacher training
Is yoga therapy helpful to us?
Yes, yoga therapy is helpful to us. Yoga can help as a form of physical, mental, and spiritual therapy. If you have any kind of stress or anxiety, yoga can be helpful to relieve those feelings.
- yoga helps us to relax and get a good night’s sleep
- yoga can help as a form of physical, mental, and spiritual therapy
- yoga has other benefits too! It gives calmness and relaxation after being in an active practice like yoga – it’s the best way to end your day with peace from life stresses that we all face on a daily basis
- A good night’s sleep will follow suit afterward; yoga helps you to let go of stressful thoughts so that when you finally reach bedtime, your body is ready for a deep slumber without tossing and turning throughout the night (or waking up often). This means more energy during the day since yoga makes me feel peaceful and energized.
Yoga therapy for mental health:
The ancient practice of yoga is one of the most popular and widespread forms of complementary health care in India today, attracting millions worldwide. Yoga therapy for mental health, more properly called Yogic techniques for psychotherapy (YTP) or yogic-type therapy (YTT), has been used widely to address a wide variety of psychological problems, including stress, depression, anxiety, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Yoga therapy refers to the application of poses, breathing techniques, and meditation within a psychotherapeutic context.
This practice has been used in several settings, including private clinical practices and psychiatric hospitals. Yoga therapy evolved from a traditional medical system, Ayurveda, which views the mind-body link as central to illness causation and recovery. It is now practiced within the context of modern medicine (Western) by some physicians who offer therapeutic yoga interventions in their clinics. The international literature on yoga therapy for mental health dates back almost to its beginnings.
Yoga therapy types:
We all are aware of the many types of yoga poses and their benefits, be it savasana or Shavasana. But few people know that there is a difference between practicing yoga therapy and just any other form of yoga practice!
The various types of Yoga Therapy include:
Asanas (for treatment): Asanas are practiced for therapeutic purposes with awareness on breath control, concentration on body postures, and relaxation to cure any disease/disorder.
Types of asanas practiced for specific ailments are given below:
- Kapalabhati
- Bhastrika
- Nadi Shodhan + Trataka
- Bhujangayoga & Halasana
Kapalabhati: For epilepsy and migraine headaches.
Bhastrika: For treating certain digestive disorders like indigestion, constipation etc., sexual problems and hypertension (high blood pressure). Bhastrika is an effective practice for achieving higher states of consciousness as well.
Nadi Shodhan + Trataka: Ideal to treat insomnia, stress-related problems, fatigue, etc., Nadi Shodhan also enhances memory and concentration power. It helps one to achieve a meditative state instantly with ease as it stimulates the third eye chakra or Aagya Chakra. It balances out all the three energy channels namely Ida(right), Pingla(left), and Sushumna(center), and also increases the concentration of the mind. Through regular practice, one can attain self-realization. It helps to open up the blocked energy centers or chakras in the cerebrum, which are responsible for memory power and concentration.
Bhujangayoga & Halasana.: For respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis.